

resized Jan Competition

Mustak owner of Sylist Auto Accessories & Spares, stall H17/H18 is sponsoring

a DIGITAL STAR sound Gift hamper valued at R1250.  

For more details contact Mustak on 083 2266926.

Simply fill in your form which you receive at the entrance or
you can collect one at the Main Office or Fun House.
Then put your form into the competition box on the stage.

Remember you have to be present for the draw which will take
place on the 27th January at 3pm. (T's & C's Apply)


Feb Comp Resized

SANI owner of MHH FURNITURE, stalls H13/H14 is sponsoring a white T.V. stand valued at R1500.

For more details contact SANI on 072 1204255.

Simply fill in your form which you receive at the entrance or
you can collect one at the Main Office or Fun House.
Then put your form into the competition box on the stage.

Remember you have to be present for the draw which will take
place on the 24th February at 3pm. (T's & C's Apply)


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